These tips for communicating heart-to-heart apply to all ages and stages of life — whether you are navigating a new relationship, have been married for decades, or need to have a heart-to-heart with your best friend or coworker.
Read MoreAs a leader, teaching what you know to others — replacing yourself, so you can move on to what’s next — isn’t new. No matter where you are in your life, if you are growing, you’ve got to teach everything you know in order to make room for even greater growth. Yet, at this moment the need is more poignant than ever.
As many people continue to be unsure of what lies ahead, the best way to navigate any uncertainty is to teach what you know – replace yourself everywhere you can – which will make room for you to grow and evolve with the changing times.
Read MoreIn my 35+ years of being a business and life coach, the following is what I’m sure of about CHANGE: it keeps changing. It will always be happening in the background of life! Sometimes in a very visible way, sometimes not. What has to change is how we, or you, handle whatever change comes across in life. As a leader, you've got to be out in the world dancing with what the world throws at you.
Read MoreThe strength and stillness at a hurricane’s center shapes and defines its power, and the same can be said of us. In stillness and the doing of “nothing” is where you ultimately find your greatest strength.
If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that change is inevitable and no one is immune to its effects. Just one change across the world can create a ripple effect that we all feel — and that's on top of the day-to-day changes happening in our own homes and businesses.
To have the life and business you say you want to have, you’ve got to be in action… not reaction… to the change around you! Meaning, you can’t live life hiding under your covers. You have to be an emissary of change.
Read MoreIt has been said that the sharpest and most powerful muscle a human possesses is the tongue. Chances are we’ve all been victims and users of a sharp tongue, and it is never pleasant. So, knowing how deeply a simple word can cut, how can you keep from hurting others?
It's simple: Think before you speak.
Here’s how:
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