Getting started when you’re stopped. Hmmmm… How do you do that? Well, first of all, you need to get into action. Being stopped is not a good/bad, right/wrong way of being. It’s simply that you’re stopped and need a bit of motivation and a different mindset to get moving again. We’ve all been there. This podcast will shed light on some ideas you can use to get you moving again. Take a listen and enjoy.
Have you ever given in to the "bully"? Usually it's because most of us don't believe that we have a choice in the matter, or we're afraid of rocking the boat. I'm here to tell you that you do have a choice. You can make a difference in your life, but only you can make it happen. You are the only one to make the choice to stand up for what you believe in!
Listening is an art, and when we really listen, it has benefits for us and those we are listening to. Not only are we clear about where other people are coming from and what the expectations of us are, but when we really listen to each other, we gain a great sense of understanding, appreciation, and we create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. In other words, we all win!