Leadership Essential — Be in Action

As a leader, you undoubtedly analyze (and even over-analyze) why you and your team haven’t produced the results you are committed to producing, and as you’re surrounded by spreadsheets, charts, and other tools, you might even find yourself thinking it best to just wait out whatever is in your way.

But, guess what? You have no time to wait. This is not a dress rehearsal. If you want something, now is the time to go for it.

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Leadership Essential: Stop Fearing Change

Most of us have a jar that accumulates our monetary change over time. We do this because change is a pain! It's heavy and rattles around in our pockets or purses when we try to carry it around. It's uncomfortable and difficult to manage. Yet, change is unavoidable, and the way we manage monetary change in our lives is the same way many people deal with change in general.

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Leadership Essential: Sharpen Your Vision

At the start of 2020, did you make a list of goals for the year? Even if you aren't in the habit of writing resolutions, you probably had some hopes and plans in mind. At that point, few could have imagined the challenges we would face. Now, in September, I would bet that few of our original goals for 2020 have been realized — though we can also view this as an opportunity to shift our mindset, reset priorities, and sharpen our vision for the future.

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