Transform your mindset, transform your life. Let go of negativity and embrace a more positive, productive attitude with Clay Nelson's guidance. Learn strategies to shift from crankiness to clarity, fostering an environment of positivity for yourself and those around you
Read MoreLeadership is a quality that often isn't even talked about until it is seen as missing, when a plan goes awry, or a team falls in a mess of miscommunication and broken promises. So what is it about the leader who successfully leads his or her team with seemingly effortless ease? The "Effortless" Leader cultivates a culture of confidence and success within his or her company, and they don't do so by wielding a hypothetical sword. They cultivate confidence and success through vision, communication, teaching, influence, and team building.
Read MoreWe all know that communication at the job site is very often a challenge. From communication between the field and the main office to communication from primary leadership to superintendent to the field crew, there are many opportunities for missteps, miscommunication, and upsets. Yet, the key to complete success with every job, whether big or small, is full and complete communication everywhere and at all times!
Read MoreHave you ever considered what it would be like to harness your childlike sense of “I can do anything”? As adults, we have taken on a way of being where we have to have the answer and know how to do something before we will commit to doing it, and forget our doing anything that could possibly make us look bad! Children, on the other hand, commit first, and the “how” just shows up.
Read MoreYour bottom line is more than numbers; it's your life's blueprint, from work/life balance to leadership impact. This blog post offers wisdom and tips from Clay Nelson about doing what’s right for YOUR bottom line and ultimately have the life, business, and relationships that you say you want to have.
Read MoreRegardless of how “constructive” feedback is meant to be, the way it is delivered has everything to with how it's received. Here are tips for healthy communication that provides space for the speaker to give feedback in a respectful and constructive way and leaves no room for the recipient to read between the lines.
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