Your Bottom Line

Your bottom line is more than numbers; it's your life's blueprint, from work/life balance to leadership impact. This blog post offers wisdom and tips from Clay Nelson about doing what’s right for YOUR bottom line and ultimately have the life, business, and relationships that you say you want to have.

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Clay Nelson
Fruitful Feedback

Regardless of how “constructive” feedback is meant to be, the way it is delivered has everything to with how it's received. Here are tips for healthy communication that provides space for the speaker to give feedback in a respectful and constructive way and leaves no room for the recipient to read between the lines.

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Clay Nelson
Leaders Grow Leaders

Real leadership goes beyond counting followers. It's all about encouraging and helping others to step up, be proactive, and bring their individual talents to the table for shared success.

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Clay Nelson
Mastering Meetings

Approximately 11 million meetings occur in the United States each and every day. Given that frequency, chances are we’ve all been victims and even perpetrators of one of the greatest time wasters of the workplace. Read on for Clay's best tips for making meetings more effective. ⏰🤝💡

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Clay Nelson
Oops to Options

One month into 2024, are you following the plan you made for this year? Or do you even have a plan? If you feel the “Oops” creeping in with those questions, don’t panic! While many people make mistakes when it comes to their business plans, they are easy to fix and can even be avoided altogether! 📅🤔💡

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Clay Nelson
Fear as Fuel

Fear is a funny thing. It has the power to stop us (if we allow it), but it also has the power to fuel us; to help us push even harder than we might have otherwise! And how we use our fear is about our choice to be unstoppable or not. 🚀🔥

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Clay Nelson