There are many benefits from having more fun in your life. Engaging in fun activities promotes self-esteem, teamwork, physical and creative skills, friendships, and leadership skills. Health professionals tell us that having fun helps eliminate negative stress and physically active fun events can help prevent heart disease. And what about having fun while you work?
Read MoreHuman beings have the very unique talent of being able to procrastinate. We put things off, things we know we should be doing, to first handle those things that are squeaking the loudest; making it really easy to avoid those quiet and sometimes dreaded tasks that await our attention elsewhere! We procrastinate from a place of: “I don’t know if I can do that”; “I don’t want to do that”; “I don’t like doing that”; or “I’ll get to it.” And, because it is a part of who we are as human beings, we have to put systems in place that manage our unique ability to put things off.
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