Take the Lead
I have done seven 1-hour radio shows, one 1-hour podcast, and at least four or five social media posts on the topic of CHANGE. In my 35+ years of being a business and life coach, here's what I’m sure of about CHANGE: it keeps changing. It will always be happening in the background of life! Sometimes in a very visible way, sometimes not.
What has to change is how we, or you, handle whatever change comes across in life. As a leader, you've got to be out in the world, taking the lead, and dancing with what the world throws at you.
The “A-number-one" problem human beings have is their fear of any CHANGE, however big or small, on any topic from any part of their life. Humans dislike CHANGE… period!!
Now, what if we, “the human race,” looked at CHANGE as a wonderful opportunity? I'm asking everyone to just try on the idea — and if it doesn’t work for you, you’re welcome to go back to your old way of thinking.
Just think, if we didn’t have CHANGE, we wouldn’t have today’s technologies, cars, penicillin, grocery stores, and your three-year-old using a computer! What about the changes in your life when your kids go off to school for the first time? Or you get a promotion at work?
Our minds are designed to keep us safe. Where does safe live? Safe lives in what we already know. CHANGE talks to us about the future and we haven’t been there yet. Your mind makes up stuff like, “You’re gonna fail! You’re gonna look bad. It’s not gonna work. It’s gonna cost you all of your savings!” So FEAR takes over. Ain’t life great?
So, if you are the only person who has a say in how your life turns out, are you going to let your life be run by fear? Or are you going to do whatever you have to do to step out , take the lead, and do what’s best for you and your family first, and then your community?
I dare you!