Don't (Ass)ume

You’ve likely heard the adage, “Assumptions make an *** out of you and me.” Yet, we all make them! But, what if you gave up assuming those things you assume to be true... even just for a day? How different might your day turn out?

Assumptions are something we make up when we don’t fully understand a situation or we have not listened well. They are like the missing pieces to a jigsaw puzzle, and they allow us to make sense of an event, or something someone says, or something that happens in our lives. The problem with assumptions is that they are very rarely correct, which means assumptions can get us into trouble... fast!

Our incredible, creative, make-it-up machine brains assume things; we make stuff up, and eventually, what our brains ponder over time becomes a perceived reality... when in fact it is 100% false! And we do it without even realizing it is happening.

Now, while a certain amount of assumptions are necessary, the point is that we assume things to be true that turn out not to be true all of the time! For instance:

  • We assume we know what other people are thinking and what they are going to say.

  • We assume how people are going to act and we even assume we know how we are going to react in any given situation, but the truth is WE DON’T REALLY KNOW ANYTHING!

  • To give up making assumptions, you have to give up “being right” and the fear of being wrong. It really is that simple!

  • If we would simply communicate with our loved ones when they leave us wondering if our relationship is okay and ASK them if it’s all right, we won’t assume the worst!

  • If we would simply ask for clarification when we don’t understand something, we won’t have to make up what we don’t know.

  • If we would simply communicate what was communicated to us, rather than including our own editorial on what someone might be thinking or feeling, we wouldn’t find ourselves with an exaggerated version of a story weeks later.

Assumptions of the wrong kind create a great deal of wasted time and effort, misunderstanding, unending stress, and mental hurdles that don’t even exist! To eliminate a great deal of this from our lives, all we have to do is ask more questions, communicate fully and completely, and give up assumptions.

While that doesn’t always come easily, it is simple to do! Get in tune with the assumptions you make. Where are you assuming things that you shouldn’t? Then choose to communicate instead!

Clay Nelson