Communication Isn't Just for the Birds

Spring is finally springing, and while the mountains of Montana still have plenty of snow, spring is in the air. One thing I enjoy most about spring is listening to the birds chirping. I hadn’t  thought about it much, except to enjoy it, but the other day it struck me that the chirping of the birds is about far more than entertaining us humans. Rather, birds chirp to communicate!The chirping of birds helps them attract mates, warn of impending danger, and identify themselves and their territory. Babies chirp to let their parents know they are hungry, and what I appreciate about the way birds communicate is that it is an innate part of their being. They don’t care who might over-hear or judge them. They simply communicate what is necessary in order to exist the way nature intended, and it seems to me that we could learn from our little feathered friends.Now, I realize this is a bit of an over-simplification. However, we make communication so much more difficult than it has to be. We attempt to read between the lines, and we worry more about formulating a response than listening to what is being said. We expect people to read our minds, we argue, we over-analyze, and we judge.So, what would your life be like if you gave-up all of the “stuff” you attach to communication? I can tell you this. There would be a lot less confusion and unhappiness in this world.Here’s my challenge to you: Over the next few weeks, think about who you are being when you communicate. Make a conscious choice to communicate fully and completely without pretense or making others wrong, and give others room to do the same. You will see a difference in those around you. You’ll start to notice a tighter bond within your family. You’ll see projects at work getting done more quickly and efficiently. Give it a whirl. I dare ya!
