Take Care of You

With just a little more than a month of wintertime officially yet to go, many people are finding that the season has taken its toll. Some may have slacked off on their commitment to exercise and others may have used the cold, dark winter nights as an excuse to bury themselves in their work at night, simply because “there isn’t anything else to do.” Over the course of several months, the roots of these habits grow deep.

So, rather than wait for spring, how about we do some weeding now?

  • Take care of you... now! We’re just a mere 6-1/2 weeks into the New Year. You have to take care of yourself if you are going to keep the momentum you need to reach your goals in 2017.
  • Update (or create) your personal plan and ask someone to hold you accountable for doing what the plan says. Do something everyday that recharges your battery, even if all that something is, is to do nothing for 5 minutes!
  • Recommit to YOU. Ultimately you are the only person who can take on you, and while it may seem a bit daunting at first, you taking care of you is the key to everything else in your life working the way you want it to.
  • Be in action. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Tear up the roots of complacency and make taking care of YOU the priority you deserve it to be!

Just a thought.

BlogTaking Care of Yourself