September 2014 Newsletter - The Power of By-When
Letter from the Editor
If the calendar doesn’t clue you in to what is looming around the corner, the major cold-snap a huge portion of the US experienced this past week will! The fourth quarter of the year is almost upon us!With the yearend looming in the background of everything we do, it is not uncommon to look at where we’ve been, what we’ve accomplished, what we haven’t accomplished, and put off what we’ve been “trying” to get done until the new year. We take on the attitude of, “If it hasn’t gotten done by this point in the year, it isn’t going to. So, why bother?” Good question! Why should you bother?There are nearly 4 months until January 1, and for every moment you put off doing what you said you were going to accomplish in 2014, you miss a moment of opportunity. You miss opportunities to grow personally and financially. You miss opportunities to learn what you don’t know. You miss the chance to teach and make a difference for others.You miss out on the fun that awaits you. And, one thing I’ve learned is to not waste a day, a moment, or even a breath. Our time here on this planet is a gift. Don’t waste it! Step out of your comfort and get moving.Carpe Diem!
Clay S. NelsonP.S. Be sure and check out this month’s newsletter article titled The Power of By-When for more information to help you to get past trying and actually do instead![well]
Free Webinar: Fine Tuning Your Focus for 4th Quarter
Presented by Clay S. Nelson
We have reached a time of year where there are a lot of distractions that can keep us from being on target during the 4th quarter! However, if you take time now to fine tune your focus you can complete 2014 powerfully, and on track, to meet and even exceed the goals you set for yourself at the start of this year.
- Simple tools you can use to reinvigorate your passion and have more fun.
- 4 easy lessons to keep you focused and on track.
- The number one key to get past “trying” and instead, be in focused, committed action that gets results.
Click Here to Signup for this Free Webinar »[/well]
Balanced Life Essential: Ask for Help!
We’ve entered a time of year when life takes on a whole new intensity. Schools are officially in session, we’re gearing up for fourth quarter at work and for what it brings to our personal lives, as well. Fields are being harvested and apple orchards are open for business and in full swing, fall sports leagues are chugging along, and if you are like many, many people you may be feeling like you have been branded with a giant “S” on your chest. Yes, you very well may have the Super-Hero Syndrome!You know what I’m talking about:Getting up in the morning, getting yourself and the family ready for their day, working all day, attending a charitable board meeting, having dinner, coaching your child’s little league team, working on homework with the kids, mowing the lawn, housework, getting the kids in bed, giving the dog a bath, getting organized for the next day, making sure you have clean socks, collapsing in bed somewhere around midnight, and then starting all over again early the next morning tired and used up!!You attempt to be all things to all people, and if you could swing from place to place like Spiderman, that would be perfectly alright. However, we can’t! So, why don’t we ask for help?
How do you cure the super-hero syndrome?!
Easy! Ask for help! Think about it: How can anyone help you if they have no idea you need help? You can’t possibly expect the people around you to read your mind and to know what help you need. Heck, most Super-Heroes move so fast that most everyone around them concentrates on staying out of their way for fear of getting blasted by the “hero’s” cosmic rays. Therefore, if you need help you’ve got to slow down and ask for it!Remember: No matter how sure of your super-powers you are, they can be weakened. Superman has kryptonite, Spiderman is afflicted at times by a pure lack of confidence, and those of us who are mere human-beings are afflicted with humanity, meaning if we could get to where we’re going by ourselves, we’d be there already!So ask for the help you need, when you need it! It is that simple.
The Power of By-When
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."– Will Rogers
Do you ever sit around and analyze (and over-analyze) why you haven’t produced the results you say you are committed to producing? Do you surround yourself with spreadsheets, charts, lists, analyses, and other research tools TRYING to figure out why you haven’t reached your goal? Well, check it out... do your goals, objectives, and action items have by-when dates attached to each of them? Hmmmmm....Nine times out of ten, missed goals, stagnant plans, or unmotivated teams are a direct result of not having any by-when date. A plan without a date is a tremendous way to get absolutely nothing done, because without a date, what have you really committed to? So, stop wasting time and don’t let your fear of the unknown or of failure keep you from being in committed action. Stop procrastinating and put the power of by-when to work for you!Procrastination has been defined as “the deliberate act of excessive postponing.” Notice that word....deliberate. That means it’s a choice. Just as you can choose to put the incredible power of the by-when date to work in your own behalf!You can talk all day, have meetings, make written reports, make lists out of your lists and review them until the cows come home. But, people who accomplish great things have a plan of action that includes dates by-when they are committed to doing what they say they are going to do!